When a loved one has passed away, the next steps to resolving all of their affairs can be overwhelming. The weeks and months following this difficult loss should be a peaceful time to grieve and come to terms with what has transpired. There are difficult things to resolve after the passing of a family member, including government, financial, insurance, and estate benefits that your loved one left behind. This can seem like an insurmountable process. Now, you need not worry about what is at stake because patients that have participated in Alliance’s hospice program can reap the benefits of Full-Circle AfterCare free of charge.
In just one to three days, Full-Circle AfterCare‘s talented team of Estate Specialists will ease the burden of resolving the affairs of your loved one. Based out of Salt Lake City, this company has helped thousands of families move on peacefully from loved one’s lives. Scammers and con-artists take advantage of identity theft and fraud during these difficult times, but Full-Circle AfterCare will protect your loved one’s affairs by monitoring any kind of breach that may come your way. Find out more by giving Alliance a call.